I’m Alexandra Barkley. A Dawn, Missouri born and bred 23 year old. I’m a recent graduate from California State University Long Beach where I studied photography.
I’m a sucker for love and a lover of life.
I dream of traveling around the world with my camera, meeting interesting people along the way.
I drink too much coffee, make too many lists, and blast the radio way too loud. I’d trade a night out for PJ’s, ice cream and Netflix marathons any day. I’m still mind-blown at the fact that I can call what I do a “job”. It hardly ever feels like work.
I’m so excited at the idea of creatively collecting memories through a lens that can be treasured and passed on for generations.
I whole-heartedly believe this is what God created me to do and am so grateful to be able to bless others by doing what I love!
I hope I get the opportunity to capture your story!